From the real world get away, Even just for a day.




I was just wondering what to do about the bob theme song. I’m gonna play the sounds with my sister, use it on athe bob thing but I need lyrics. I’m also gonna try to do the lifeguard running in slow motion. Oh and kka should recognize theese words:

Yo yo wica bow wow cows go moo moo.


I gonna use them.

And I have this class, the project we’re doing right now is making a toothpick bridge that’s no more than 10 grams, and carries at least 35 grams. It has to be at least 5 toothpicks long. I did a lot of research and found this design….




Here are some pics I felt like putting here:




O and here’s a really good poem, sign the end!!

Wee.. I’m bored. I gonna go to I shall go to random games bc I’m bored. Mind feed is the most entertaining. the loading is funny. just click cancel loading when you get annoyed of it XD

Comments on: ".:.:LALALALA:.:." (8)

  1. GameproGirl said:

    My class did a tooth pick building thingie. My class had to make the Eiffle Tower. :/

    COOLIO! Oh, BTW I’ve killed my hand from touching the hot glue so much. OW!

  2. I had to make a toothpick building that could carry at least 2 mathbooks. Mine held about 6. =/

    I like the bffs till da end thingy. So pretty. ^_^

    I saw that poem thing on your website…that poem is sad….

    WOW! 6 mathbooks? TWO MATHBOOKS IS ALOT!! What design did you use?
    Yuppers, it is perty.
    😥 VERY SAD

  3. GameproGirl said:

    What poem thingie?

    The one up on my post RIGHT above the thing highlighted in black. It’s a URL, click for poem.

  4. I’ve made a horse of sticks if that counts -.-

  5. Its just a building, four stories high, but my dad used superglue on it. =P

    WOW~! Four stories high. My dad is an engineer. 🙂

  6. Game visits your house [at night] sometimes when you aren’t on. 😮
    lolz. 😛

    Really? Oh no, what if she knows where I hide the cookie jar? Has she seen me? Lol. I thought for a moment you meant my real house XD

  7. What the cookies???
    The Decorate Your Dizzywood Home To Help Brooke Post had 237 comments, but then once I click on the title again so I can go to the comments page for it, it said 199 comments. 😮
    Creeepy I tell you, creeeepy.

    THE EVIL BUNNEH DID IT!!!!!!!! Oh no I want cookies now. FORGET ABOUT THE COOKIES!!! RUN FOR YOUR aWeSoMe LIFE!!!!!!!!

  8. I am here to listen to your “little stories”
    I could do it forever and ever 🙂

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